It is an unavoidable fact that gym memberships can be quite expensive over time, and in addition to the expense, it’s often hard to find time to actually go the gym. You may have wished numerous times that you could exercise at home, perhaps first thing in the morning, or to relieve your body of stress after the kids go to bed. Creating your own home gym inside of your house really isn’t as tough as it sounds. Keeping a few simple tips in mind, it’s fairly simple to create a home gym, provided you have the space.

Selecting a Space

For a complete home gym, you will need ample space. If you have an unused, finished portion of your basement, or have an extra sun room that’s not often in use, these would be a good start. It’s also a possibility to section off a corner of the living room if it’s large, but having a separate space is more ideal. Perhaps you have always dreamed of building a small addition onto your home. If you think obtaining a loan would be out of the question, think again. Reputable, trusted lenders are always here to help you secure a loan, and even help you apply for bad credit mortgages.

Choosing Equipment

You will need to choose some solid equipment in order to mimic the type of workout that you are able to get at a gym. Cardio and strength training equipment are perhaps the most important. According to the American Academy pf Orthopedic Surgery, persons in good health should exercise for thirty minutes, four times a week. With this in mind, choose equipment that you know you will use. If you are just starting out, perhaps it’s a good idea to just select a couple pieces of equipment until you are used to using your home gym. For cardio purposes, a stationary exercise bicycle and an elliptical machine are a must. Perhaps you already have a treadmill in the home, but this is another must-have for building a home gym. Other cardio equipment include weights for arms and legs, a simulator, and kickboxing equipment. For strength training, selecting and buying equipment is a bit more simple. Make sure you have a yoga mat and exercise ball, and an effective program or DVD so you can begin training.

Decoration = Motivation

Once you have the space and all of the needed equipment, you may think your home gym is complete. Not so – it’s a great idea to turn this space into somewhere where you are comfortable, and where you want to spend hours of time exercising. It’s a good idea to install top of the line stereo equipment as your workout music, and to customize the décor so that it reflects your style and taste. Motivational or sentimental posters and pictures are also a great idea to keep you motivated.

Even if you are just able to set aside a small space with a treadmill, yoga mat, and elliptical machine, your home gym is now entirely yours. There is no need for expensive gym memberships and contracts, and the commute to and from the gym. It’s time to focus and get motivated.