Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you, and investing in better teeth is a worthy endeavor that will improve anyone’s confidence, no matter their age. The holiday season is among us so while you are gifting your friends and family with much deserved presents, why not decide to give yourself the well-deserved gift of a brighter smile as well?

Because the holiday season tends to be chocked full of sugar and goodies, remember to practice good oral hygiene to protect your teeth. Sugary treats and desserts may be delicious, but they can spell disaster for your smile if you haven’t protected it appropriately. According to Live Science, when sugar sits on your teeth for an extended amount of time it attracts acid-producing bacteria, causing decay (bacteria is actually what causes decay and cavities in your mouth). Rinsing or brushing your teeth after consuming sugary foods or drinks will help get rid of lingering sugar or bacteria and will help keep your smile healthy and vibrant this season; however, it is always a good idea to book an appointment with your dentist after the holidays to check your teeth and correct any damage that may have occurred over the holidays.

If you are practicing healthy oral hygiene but still feel unhappy with the appearance of your smile, dentists in London Ontario like the Smile Dental Centre offer a variety of cosmetic dental services to help you achieve your perfect smile. This might include whitening treatments, Invisalign, or veneers. The holidays are a perfect time to treat yourself to gift of beautiful teeth with the help of one of the best clinics in London, the Smile Dental Centre; you will have beautiful teeth for your holiday parties and a fresh smile for the New Year!

There are many factors that can contribute to stained or discolored teeth but as we age, our teeth naturally become less white. Using dentists in London Ontario for your teeth whitening needs is the most effective way to achieve whiter teeth. A cosmetic dentist uses stronger ingredients to whiten your teeth than over-the-counter strips, while also protecting your gums. Typically you will see significantly whiter teeth after only one visit!

Invisalign is a process for straightening your teeth with an invisible, removable retainer. Custom-made retainers are created out of clear plastic to gradually straighten your teeth in a process that is much less painful and more aesthetically pleasing than braces. If you have small gaps or minor misalignment issues, Invisalign can straighten your teeth without the inconvenience of braces.

Veneers are very thin porcelain shells that are bonded to the front of your natural teeth. This is a more extreme option for people who are dissatisfied with their teeth, have cracks or gaps, or highly discolored teeth. Many celebrities choose veneers because you can truly get a perfect smile and endlessly white teeth.

No matter what your smile may need, dentists in London Ontario are there to help you achieve the teeth you have always dreamed of. When you give yourself the gift of a whiter, brighter, or straighter smile this holiday season, you will also be giving yourself the gift of confidence.