
Traditional morning coffee is addictive, just like nicotine. Scientists told about this and even confirmed this with statistics: more than half of those who are used to starting the day with a fragrant drink, when forced to refuse it, experience withdrawal symptoms, that is, withdrawal. At the same time, they develop lethargy, irritability and headaches. If you want to get answers of the questions “Is caffeine a carcinogen?” and “Should you drink coffee regularly?” then keep reading.

It’s not about coffee but Caffeine

Strictly speaking, we are not talking about coffee, which is a complex mixture of various substances, but about caffeine – in 1991 it was recognized as a potential carcinogen, that is, it increases the chances of contracting a malignant tumor. But since then, there has been a wealth of medical research on coffee, and as stated in a letter from the International Agency for Research on Cancer published in the Lancet Oncology. We don’t have any conclusive evidence that caffeine increases the likelihood of more than two dozen cancers. There is some connection in the case of tumors of the liver and uterus, but this connection is much less pronounced than previously thought – perhaps, in the future, caffeine will have nothing to do with it. At the same time, researchers warn against drinking too hot drinks, the temperature of which is higher than 65–70 ° C – hot drinks, damaging the epithelium of the esophagus, can provoke malignant degeneration of epithelial cells.

Is it really harmful to drink coffee?

A new study presented at a scientific congress points out that regular coffee consumption could reduce the risk of developing the most common liver cancer: hepatocellular carcinoma. This is a new study that should delight coffee lovers looking for evidence of the benefits of this drink. Presented last year at the British National Cancer Research Institute congress in Glasgow (UK), a scientific study suggests that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing the most common liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma.

Is the Myth about Coffee and Cancer Busted?

Is drinking coffee a risk real? The WHO-dependent International Agency for Research on Cancer claimed in November 2015 that coffee was “potentially carcinogenic to humans”, but recanted a few months later, explaining that there was no in reality no tangible proof of the causal link. A few other studies also argued that there is a link between coffee and cancer, but these were rather very large lifestyle studies, which did not take into account other potentially carcinogenic variables, such as smoking, diet and obesity, pollutants and alcohol abuse.

So, should we stop the coffee? The answer is probably no, but there are a number of factors that must be taken into account. Particularly the individual factor: each having a different metabolism, partly for hereditary reasons, it is difficult to say how coffee will personally impact your health, as explained in particular by the approach in terms of nutrigenomics.

Coffee contains caffeine, drinking up to 4 cups of coffee a day should not pose any health risk and can reduce the risk of certain diseases. We hope you have got the answer of all of your questions. If you want to know “Does Sugar feed cancer cells?” then you must check and read the articles about it.