Circuit Training

With circuit training, you swiftly switch between 6–10 stations while performing a new workout at each one. Each station is visited for 30 to 60 seconds before you go on to the next one, with hardly any relaxation. Most circuit training exercises are 30 minutes or less long. We’ll go into more detail about the advantages of circuit training in this piece. Check this out to get the benefits of circuit training.

It doesn’t require much time

One of its significant advantages is that circuit training may be completed quickly. An efficient workout can be finished in under 30 minutes.

According to research, a 7-minute circuit training session has increased muscle endurance in both men and women. A 14-minute workout is sufficient to see gains in aerobic capacity, particularly in females.

It raises cardiovascular conditioning.

In circuit training, you compete with the clock to complete as many reps as possible before the allotted time at each station expires. The rest intervals are also short, which doesn’t leave you much time to recover.

Your heart rate stays raised for longer since the rest intervals aren’t long enough to bring it down to normal before your next activity interval. Due to this, studies contend that circuit training significantly increases VO2 and energy expenditure, mainly when used in conjunction with a program that alternates running intervals with periods of complete rest.

It works out the whole body.

During circuit training, you pass through many stations where new activity is introduced. You could perform sit-ups, overhead presses, lunges, bicep curls, tricep extensions, and lunges in one session.

This means you can still work out major muscle groups many times per week, even if you only have a few days to exercise.

You can accomplish it without tools.

You can perform circuit training with just your body weight, even though many individuals also use light weights, jump ropes, and other equipment items. Circuit training is ideal for folks who exercise at home or don’t feel like driving to the gym for this reason.

Research shows that a circuit training program should incorporate strength and cardio exercises. Bodyweight exercises that increase heart rate and improve strength include squats, push-ups, sit-ups, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, lunges, and dips (which may be performed on a solid chair). These exercises are perfect for a circuit training workout without any equipment.

It can aid in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

Circuit training may be more effective at lowering blood pressure and cholesterol than other types of exercise.

Italian Association of Medicine and Fitness, University of Padova, and University of Palermo researchers looked at 58 males who worked out for 50 minutes weekly. Three groups were formed: an endurance training group, a low-intensity circuit training group, and a high-intensity circuit training group.

The group that engaged in high-intensity circuit exercise experienced the highest reductions in total cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure after 12 weeks (the pressure in your arteries between each heartbeat). The most significant reductions in systolic blood pressure (the amount of pressure your blood is under when you’re at rest) were seen in the low-intensity circuit training.


Exercises can permanently be changed to make them more difficult or easy. For instance, if you’re a beginner, you can perform raised push-ups; if you’re an expert, you can perform clapping push-ups. You can substitute marching for exercises like shuttle runs if you have joint problems.