It is undeniable that aerial yoga assists you to move randomly and freely with less effort, via counteracting gravity force. They are suspended in the tension of air releases on your bones and muscles, deepening down your practices. Therefore, yoga workout in the air strengthens your core muscles, improving your flexibility of spinals and shoulders.

Aerial yoga is considered as a safe exercise in the world. All yoga classes should be conducted professionally by certified aerial yoga instructor and you can enquire your yoga facilitator in details about the qualifications of your instructor first before enrolling into the class. He or she will inform you about the methods to pose aerial properly, so that you won’t injure yourself easily during the process of yoga workout in the air. Hence, the dangers of falling yourself to injure is quite low. It offers many advantages when you practice yoga regularly, but it also provides some additional advantages as well:

(i) Greater flexibility is identified among the practitioners.

  • Since you can move freely to progress yourself, you can stretch your body into new movements easily. Under this circumstance, it can lead to a deeper and more conducive stretch than traditional yoga that offers. Thus, it improves your strength and flexibility to carry out the other daily routines.

(ii) You will have much better focus.

  • When getting yourself in a more difficult condition than common condition, aerial yoga makes you to be more sensitive to your surrounding environment. You will have to concentrate fully with efforts too because you won’t get used to suspending in the air during yoga workout. Hence, it promotes your adrenaline hormones while going against gravity to release happy mood in your daily life.

(iii) You can strengthen your muscles.

  • Such situation happens when gravity is applying harder on your body parts than normal situation, then your muscles have to push further too in this case. It is a great main work too as you need to stretch your main muscles to balance and stabilize yourself in your yoga lesson.

(iv) You will be stress-relief.

  • Similar to traditional yoga, it is good for relieving your stress physically and mentally. Besides relieving stress while you pose and stretch common activity like other yoga, you experience such excitement of learning something new that you have done before, which let you feel great. Thus, you can improve your own balance.

Most people can enroll in any aerial yoga class without facing many problems. However, you should be thinking another exercise differently if any of the following conditions apply to you. You must consult with your doctor and yoga instructor first before attending any aerial class:

  • Eye diseases
  • Eye surgery which is conducted recently
  • Vertigo
  • Heart diseases
  • Bone fractures and disorders
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Prosthetic hips
  • Catch colds, flu or any condition, which blocks the nasal passages

In short, aerial yoga looks like an irritating exercise when you start it but it can stir your excitement high if you know how to enjoy it by yourself. You will find that many fitness clubs will provide aerial classes for people with all fitness and different skill levels.